A selection of updates from the organizing to disrupt the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, including:
A brand new Unconventional Action paper!
National day of action against electoral politics August 10!
Calls to action in Denver for the DNC!
Unconventional Strategies version 2.0 Paper Now Available
A joint effort between multiple Unconventional Action teams has produced the third unconventional action newspaper, following Unconventional Strategies and False Hope vs. Real Change. The new paper, Unconventional Strategies 2.0, is available for downloading at unconventionalaction.org:
read-only .:. printer friendly
Unconventional Strategies 2.0 is a how-to guide for the disruption and subversion of this year’s electoral spectacle. It contains the most up-to-date strategy information, maps, schedules of events, contact information, and advice on plugging into the counter-convention infrastructure. We are especially proud of the new 7-sector map of downtown St. Paul, assembled by a professional radical cartographer, which makes use of likely RNC delegate bus routes.
On a related note, several new beautiful posters have been added to www.unconventionalaction.org, and an 11x17 version of the new St. Paul sector map should be up shortly. There are also still many bundles of the False Hope vs. Real Change paper available for free, which can be ordered from falsehopeorrealchange08@riseup.net. With less of a focus on the conventions and more attention paid to the anarchist case against capitalism and electoral politics, this paper is be an excellent outreach tool for those unable to attend the conventions.
National Day of Action against Electoral Politics: August 10
In order to build momentum towards the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, Unconventional Denver, the RNC Welcoming Committee, and various Unconventional Action groups nationwide are calling for actions against the spectacle of electoral politics on August 10:
“We will use August 10 to build momentum and make it clear that we are not against one party or the other, but the totality of capitalism and its protector, the state.
A few ideas include: actions targeting party headquarters, blockading recruitment centers, dropping banners, holding teach-ins, wheatpasting anti-DNC/RNC posters, showing radical films, holding benefits for local organizers in Denver and the Twin Cities, protesting corporate donors to the conventions, etc.”
Reportbacks from actions can be posted at unconventionalaction.org
Update from Denver
Since the writing of our analysis, What to Expect from the Conventions, concrete plans have emerged for actions during the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Have a look over at dncdisruption08.org.